Tuesday, February 10, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

This past weekend I saw the long-awaited premiere of the movie “He’s Just Not That Into You”. The movie, based on a best selling book, is rumored to be a phenomenon for all the young women in the world and their constant struggle to read the minds of men. I sat through the whole film while everyone around me laughed and sighed as they pictured themselves doing similar pathetic strategies to get a man’s attention. I however, did not feel that this movie pertained to me, my life, and most importantly helping me realize what I am doing wrong with the opposite sex. The main character was so exaggerated as a love crazed, pathetic, working woman, so desperate to fall in love that I could not even identify with her. Never in my life have I waited for hours upon hours for a guy to call, or drove by a restaurant because I knew he would be there. This movie not only made me feel enraged in the fact that some women are actually like this, but also it is embarrassing for our gender overall. Any male who sees this will assume that all girls are psycho over analysts, and even worse, expect commitment after just one date. I know for a fact, I have never acted for thought like the main character in this movie, nor has any girl I have talked to. He’s Just Not That Into You is an embarrassment for the female sex and should be taken as a complete joke, because I personally do not revolve my life around men and what they think of me. I would like to think that most women around the world do things for themselves and do not try to fit the role that men want us to be. 


  1. I totally agree. I remember watching the main character spaz out over every little detail of her date and thinking to myself, are there really girls who do this? I can’t even imagine any girl going through so much trouble and humiliation for a date. I was embarrassed just watching the characters over exaggerate every detail of their dates. I agree with Meghan when she says this movie should be taken only as a joke, because I have never met a woman as ridiculous as the main character. I wouldn’t want anyone to think that this behavior is the general stereotype of how most women act about relationships or their lack thereof. Unfortunately, you have to admit that it was pretty entertaining watching the poor girl humiliate herself again and again.

  2. I agree. Even as a male, I can relate to these girls that see the movie as an insult to their own gender. Most girls I know don't act like that. Even if they may feel like the girl in the movie did, they certainly wouldn't show it like she did. Guys can be cruel. So can girls. Meghan says the movie should be taken jokingly and I agree. That's all it is. This movie has no inspirational depth and certainly wouldn't be used as an example of what girls watching it should want to model themselves after. Also, something else to consider, the role of women has drastically changed in the last 4 decades. They're working. They're living independently. They certainly are not aspiring to put themselves in a position to chase a guy they can't get or pursue a relationship that doesn't give back as much as they put into it. You go girl!
