Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Allure of Facebook

The other night I looked at the time on my computer, and it surprisingly said 2:45 AM. What was I doing? Homework, no. Research, no. Online shopping, no. The answer is that I was looking on facebook. I had been on it for a whopping two hours, for absolutely no reason. I was upset with myself, but then I was reminded that almost every teenager, even people in their twenties, use facebook as a way to pass time. And I mean LOTS of time. What is the allure? No one really can answer that. Yes, its night to be able to communicate with friends that I wouldn’t normally call, just to check up and see how they’re doing. But really, other than that, is looking at other people’s pictures and profiles all that interesting? NO.
I really do not understand why I am falling to the trend of the facebook obsession. I think my generation is so obsessed with appearance, and facebook is the best, most gossip-girl like way to present ourselves. People put up photos of them and their friends having a lot of fun, dressing up and looking cute just so people have a certain perspective of them. I’ll admit I am a victim of the album making club as well. I have put up pictures, not just so the people in them can see them, but also others. While facebook can be useful as sometimes, I believe it is our duty it rid of this nasty habit. In the long run, putting up silly pictures and looking at others profiles is not going to get us anywhere, except for gossiping about others. I am hoping that one day, the allure of facebook will be no more.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that facebook is used as a pass time and I can also relate to this allure of facebook. I can literally spend hours just checking out peoples new albums and profiles. I think this is a complete waste of time, but I really can't help it. Whenever I am doing something on my computer, facebook is always open even if I am not using it. I just leave it open in case anyone wants to chat with me.I also have to admit that I am a victim of the new album club. When I put up a new album of pictures I continuously check to see if anyone has commented on them. But why? Because our generation is so concerned about what other people think of them. We want to know what perspective people have about us and our friends. People should not care so much about what others think. If you are happy with the way you are you should stay that way. I also agree that putting up silly pictures and looking at others profiles is not going to get us anywhere, except for gossiping about others. Gossiping is not a good habit and facebook only promotes it.
