Sunday, April 26, 2009


I feel like it is important to address a very popular book in today's world, and that book is Twilight. While I do believe that all reading can be beneficial, I simply do not think that Twilight is a good as everyone makes it out to be. I have read two of the books, and I have tried extremely hard to be obsessed with them. For some reason, I simply do not understand what all the craze is about. It is a nice love story sure, but it is nothing out of the ordinary. The story unravels really easily and I feel like it is weird that the main reason the vampire likes the human so much is because of her scent. To me, that is not true love. Shouldn't he love her for her heart and character? I do not think there is anything genuine about Edward's love for Bella. Additionally, Bella is initially attracted to him because of his face. I think this book is just promoting love for the wrong reasons. They do get to know each other and like one another's personalities, but it is strange to me that everything in the beginning is so superficial and fake. I just wish there would be more hype over a romance novel with more development, sincerity, and reality.

1 comment:

  1. Meghan, I can definitely see where you're coming from. Twilight has become such a craze recently, it's incredible. Girls are going wild over Edward, swearing that they would marry a vampire if they got the chance and dreaming of being Bella at night. While I can't lie and say that I didn't thoroughly enjoy the movie, your posting made me step back and really think about the oddness of everyone's new obsession. I haven't read any of the books yet, but the movie portrayed an obviously unrealistic scenario. If someone introduced me to a very strange looking group of siblings here at SMU that were dating one another, I would much more likely be creeped out than instantly love-struck by the only single one. Sure, the producers of the movie picked a very attractive guy to play Edward the vampire, but the massive number of people now "in love" with him is startling. At least when middle-school aged girls were (and maybe still are) obsessed with Harry Potter they were obsessed with a character who used his magical powers for good. Even though Edward Cullen claims to be a "vegetarian," only eating animals, not humans, he's still a monster!
