Sunday, April 26, 2009


I commented on Littlecoe4's blog on her post titled "Where to Go"...Here is my comment in case you cannot find it.

I agree with LittleCoe4 about how scary it is to envision myself outside college. My parents remind me every single day about how poor the economy is, and that I have to take advantage of every single opportunity around me, because you never know what can happen. I have just figured out what I want to major in, but I have absolutely no idea what it is that i really want to do. In these times, is it necessary to have a clear idea of what you want to do at such a young age? It certainly seems like it. I feel like I should start pursuing internship and job opportunities pertaining to my major already. This really scares me. Today we live in such a fast paced world and it actually rather frightening. We have hardly any time to enjoy just being college kids and taking interesting courses. It is all about looking ahead as to what our future holds and how we can advance ourselves. I wish society would just slow down and people could breathe and not have to worry so much about what will happen to them 6 years from now. Maybe if we did all relax a bit, the economy and pressure to succeed would not be so horrible and we could possibly even be more successful in life.

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